Saturday, February 4, 2023




    As for reading books for kids at both elementary school and junior highschool, selecting books is the hard part for me because it should be done in ten minutes, and it should be interesting for target kids, have clear pictures, and should be large enough for me to read.

    I would like to introduce a book which I read in the second grader classroom recently. The title of the book was " Ma no ii Ryohshi (Lucky Hunter)". It is a story of a hunter whose skill is very poor, but he faced a very lucky situation and it continued until the end of the story. Before I started reading, I asked children if they knew the title words of the book, and most of them didn't know them because they are not used very often nowadays. I am glad to let them have a chance to hear these unfamiliar words and talk about them with children because otherwise they might not encounter this Japanese.