今年1月28日に仕込んだ味噌が出来ました。正真正銘「手作り味噌」です。去年教えてもらって初めて挑戦した味噌があまりに美味しかったので今年はその倍仕込みました。ちゃんとできているか心配でしたが、納屋から出して壺を開けると、鮮やかな明るい茶色の味噌に仕上がっていました。半分ぐらいを深めの保存容器に入れて冷蔵庫へ。残りは丁寧にならして、その上に冷蔵庫に残っていた板粕を敷き詰めラップで覆って空気に触れないようにして、もう一度納屋に置きました。来年のお正月は自家製味噌を使った粕汁をメニューに加えようかと思っています。I prepared homemade miso at the end of January this year and it is ready now! It is really "Home-made miso". I learned how to make miso from Ms. N.N, a farmer in Taga and I took on the challenge with some other people. I was very satisfied with "my miso" which was preserved in a jar in a storage house and became a very mild and tasty miso, so this year I prepared double the amount of last year. While waiting for ten months until it was done, I was worried whether the process was OK or not. Today, when I took out the jar from the storage house and opened the cover, beautiful bright brown miso appeared underneath. I am relieved and feel so happy now. I took half of the miso out from the jar and put it into another container to keep in the refrigerator. Smoothing the surface of the remaining miso in the jar, I spread sake lees which had been in the refrigerator on top. I then covered the jar with wrap to not let the miso contact the air in order to prevent mold, and put it back in the storage house. I am now planning to serve home-made miso soup in the cafe on New Years Day.