Thursday, March 29, 2018


今度の日曜日(4/1)は何の日?日本では「エイプリルフール?…」という感じですが、アメリカでは「イースターサンデー(復活祭)」でキリスト教の人達にとっては大切な一日です。つまり今週の金曜日がキリストが十字架にかかった「グッドフライデー」で、その2日後の日曜日が復活祭。復活祭は「春の到来」も意味します。華やかなお祝いの一日で日曜の朝は明るいきれいなフリルのついた服を着た女の子が正装した家族と一緒に教会に行く姿を見かけます。キリスト教徒でなくてもパーティをしたり、子供達はエッグハンティングをして遊びます。これはパステルカラーに色をつけた卵(またはお菓子の入ったプラスティックの卵)を探すゲームです。スーパーへ行ったら、イースターの贈り物用にとお花がたくさん並んでいて気分はまさに「春!」でした。What is this coming Sunday? In Japan you might think that it is "April Fool's Day?" but in the US it is a big celebration day called "Easter Sunday" among Christian people. In Christianity March 30th is "Good Friday" which commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death at Calvary, and it is two days before "Easter". Easter is the most important festival of the Christian Church, celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is also a day of joy and celebration to welcome spring. On this special morning you will see girls wearing beautiful light colored dresses with a lot of frills going to church with their families who are nicely dressed up. People who are not Christian also have family parties and kids play Egg Hunting. Egg Hunting is a game to search for Easter eggs which are coloured boiled eggs in pastel colour or plastic eggs with candies inside. When I went to a supermarket today, there were tons of Flowers and flower pots which were for Easter gifts. I felt like the spring has just come!