ポカポカ陽気の穏やかな一日。縁側のガラス戸を開けたら、賑やかにつぼみを付けた紅梅が目に飛び込んできました。ザラザラの枝から、どうしてこんな桃色の可愛らしいつぼみがたくさんつくのでしょう。紅梅、白梅は日本家屋によく似合います。It was a warm sunny day. When I opened the glass door of the veranda, I was overwhelmed with a sea of pinkish colors. The buds on the red plum tree are filling out and look very bright. I wonder why these cute pinkish buds came out from such rough and dry branches. I am glad that the red and white plum trees match with the old Japanese house.