野田さんの染飾布展が終ったので、翌日、お雛様を飾りました。一年振りのお目見えです。ひな壇を作って、赤い毛氈を敷いて、古いお人形を並べていると昔のことが色々蘇ってきます。床の間の前にちょこんと座って箱からお雛様を出していた祖母を小さかった私は見ていました。祖母は私に何を話しかけていたのでしょう。穏やかなお人形たちは今も昔も静かな時の流れの中にいます。After the Kaze no Kooboo exhibition finished, I displayed Hina dolls at the alcove the next day. They appeared for the first day in a year. When I was making their tiered stand, placing the red felt mat and displaying old Hina dolls there, I recalled my early days. I was watching my grandma who was sitting in front of the alcove with her legs bent and putting dolls out from a box. Now I wonder what she was saying to me at that moment. The dolls whose faces are gentle and calm, remain quietly unchanged throughout all of these years.