Monday, February 26, 2018


今日は一日穏やかな良いお天気でした。野田浩二・公子夫妻の風野工房染色展は4日間の開催を経て昨日終りました。初日から開店と同時にお客様が次々に会場の「多賀あさひや」にお見えになり家中に飾られた野田さんの美しい作品をご覧になり、お買い求めになる方も多かったようです。帰りにお茶を飲んでお帰りくださるお客様も多く、カフェもお蔭様で忙しく動きました。野田さんのモダンで落ち着いた作品が「あさひや」の佇まいによく合っているとおっしゃってくださったお客さまの言葉が何よりも嬉しかったです。玄関脇のS,Kさんからの福寿草も今回の展示イベントを喜んでくれているようです。明るい春の兆しが「多賀あさひや」にも見えてきました。Today, it was a nice and calm day. Kaze no Kooboo exhibition and sale was finished after four open days. Guests came one after another to Taga Asahiya where the exhibition for the first day was held. They looked around Kooji Noda's beautiful works and many people bought the one they preferred. After that many of them also took time for coffee at the cafe which kept me happily busy. Some said that Kooji's modern and sophisticated colors in his dyed work suited my old Japanese house very much. I am so grateful to hear that. Ms. S.K brought Fukujyusoo (pheasant's eye) from her home. You will find it outside the front door. My happiness from the successful event is doubled by seeing this tiny cute flower. It signifies the coming of bright spring at the cafe "Taga Asahiya".