2月10日( 土曜日)2018
木曜日に「味噌作り」をしました。材料は糀(2kg)、大豆(1,5kg)、塩(800g)板粕。大豆を前日までに柔らかく煮て、それを再び熱くした後、ザルに上げ、潰し、塩糀を入れてよく混ぜ、団子にして、アメ(ゆで汁)で洗った容器に投げ入れ、隙間のないように詰めて平になった上面に板粕を敷き詰め蓋をする。朝9時に作業を開始して、11時ごろには終了。地元の西澤さんと大町さんの指導を受けながら、皆さん一生懸命味噌作りを体験しました。米麹が発酵して8ヶ月後(10月頃)には美味しい味噌になるはずです。作業が終ってからコーヒーとお菓子でおしゃべり、それからお昼も食べながらの楽しい半日でした。We practiced making miso at my cafe this Thursday.The ingredients are koji (malted rice)2kg, soybeans 1.5Kg, salt 800g and sake lees. (1) Boil soybeans until you can break it up easily with fingers. (2) Drain the hot water in a colander. (3) Crash soy beans well.(4) Put salted rice malt in and mix it well. (5) Make balls with both hands and throw them into the miso pot which was washed by the broth left over after boiling soybeans. You need to beat the soybean balls hard so no air is inside. We started at 9 am and finished at 11 am. Ms. Nishizawa prepared boiled soybeans for the members and brought the necessary tools to the cafe. Ms. Ohmachi explained the way and showed how to make miso to us. According to them, it will take 8 months to eat it as tasty miso. After the work, we had a happy coffee time and chat together. I also served lunch for them. It was a pleasant morning.