立春を過ぎたというのに朝は氷点下の気温で風も冷たく厳しい毎日が続いています。福井など北陸各地の豪雪のニュースを聞いてそのご苦労を想像しています。そんな中ですが日照時間が少しずつ長くなっているのは少しほっとできます。月が変わって床の間のしつらえを新しくしました。掛け軸の古い書は全く解読できません。情けないかぎりです。どなたか読める方、教えていただきたいです。The first day of the spring (Risshun) in the calendar has passed, however we still have severe cold days such as below the freezing point in the morning and chilly wind. In those days, the hours of sunshine has been longer little by little which makes me relieved. Since it turned to February, I changed the arrangement of the alcove. I hung the old scroll which I like but unfortunately I have no idea what it says. I am ashamed at myself. I wish someone who can read this old Japanese could let me know about it.