Wednesday, February 21, 2018


22日(木曜日)から、「多賀あさひや」で風野工房染色布の展示即売会を開催します。今日はお昼前から野田浩二・公子夫妻が蔵、座敷、居間、離れ、廊下ほぼ全域に美しい作品を次々に展示していかれました。和室や蔵には大胆なデザイン、それでいてしっとりとした色合いの野田さんの染め布が よく似合い、美しく溶け込んでいます。沢山の方に見に来ていただければ嬉しく思います。Beginning tomorrow (Feb. 22) Kaze no kooboo exhibition and sale will take place at my cafe Taga Asahiya. Kooji and Kooko Noda came to the cafe to exhibit their art work nicely in the storehouse, guest room, living room, alcove and hallway areas. Mr. Noda's dyed clothes which are adventurous in their design, yet quiet in their color scheme match well with the Japanese Tatami room and store house. I hope many people will come to see their work at the cafe.