Saturday, February 17, 2018


今日も時折雪が舞う一日でした。昨日、中川信子さんのご紹介で山田周生さん<>がお見えになり仲間と夕食を共にし、山田氏の希有なお話を聞かせていただき楽しい時間を過ごすことができました。山田周生氏とは一体どんな方なのか中川さんから伺うもイメージできないままお迎えしました。気さくな第一印象の山田氏がこれまでに見てこられた世界、接してこられた人々、身体を使って巧みに操ってこられた数々の乗り物とそのルート。並の人間がとても近づける世界ではありませんが、氏が深い智慧と洞察力、判断力をお持ちの方であることは私にもはっきりと分かりました。そしてそこからは優しいお人柄と寛容さが滲み出ていました。It occasionally snows these days. Yesterday Mr. Shuusei Yamada <>whom Ms. Nobuko Nakagawa introduced to me visited my home and we had dinner together with some other members. We were able to hear about his amazing experiences. Before his arrival, I could not envisage him even though Ms. Nakagawa talked to me about what he had done. He impressed me with his very friendly demeanor, his world-view, the diversity of the people who he has communicated with, the vehicle, boat, horse, dog sled and other materials which he self-learned to masterfully maneuver in his work. Through his talk, I knew that he is a person who has deep knowledge, profound insight and a keen sense of judgment. Probably because of these, he is gentle and has much room in his heart.