Saturday, March 10, 2018


今日は「多賀あさひや」で琴修会大正琴の演奏と体験会がありました。講師の高橋先生と藤井明美先生による大正琴の美しい演奏が3曲あり、その後 参加者は実際に大正琴を前に置いて先生方にそれぞれ優しく指導を受けていました。子供のときに聞いた懐かしい音色。お雛様の前で華やかで和やかな時間が流れました。今はリズムやオーケストラと併せられるように簡単な機械もあり、楽しく弾ける工夫がしてあります。四月から第二、第四火曜日11:00am~12 noonまで「あさひや」の離れでお稽古が始まります。やってみたいかた、興味があるかたは藤井先生(090-5012-8111)までご連絡下さい。Taisho-koto (a zither with three to five strings) Demonstration and Workshop were held at the cafe today. Three pieces of music were demonstrated by instructors (Ms.Takahashi and Ms. Fujii), and then a workshop was opened for participants to experience hands-on Taisho-koto-playing. It was a nostalgic and beautiful sound to me, as I listened to it when I was a child. This pleasant time in front of Hina Dolls lasted about one and half hours. There are some devices now which synthesize beats and orchestral sounds so the player can enjoy the music much more with these accompaniments. If you are interested in taking lessons, please contact Ms. Fujii (090-5012-8111). The lessons will be held twice a month (the second and the forth Tuesday) at Taga Asahiya.