Friday, October 27, 2017
イギリスにいる娘が今朝短いメールとYoutubeのサイトを送ってくれました。20年前までアメリカで放映されていた就学前の子供たち用に制作されたテレビ番組です。 番組の名前は"Mister Rodgers' Neighborhood(ロジャースさんの近所)1968-2001"。私もアメリカにいた時に何度か見たことがある懐かしいものでした。送られてきたビデオを観るのは初めてでしたが、ゲストのジェフという5歳の男の子が凄いなと驚くと同時に両親や医師など周りの方々の確固たる信念を感じました。フレッド・ロジャースが「僕たちは悲しい時にどうやって自分なりに向き合うか見つけなきゃいけないね」とジェフに語りかけるところが印象的です。これほど上質な番組は日本にはまだありません。This morning I received a short email and a website link from my daughter who is in England now. It is a TV program in the US called "Mister Rodgers' Neighborhood (1968-2001)". I saw the program several times when I was in the US but the one which she sent was the first time for me to watch. The little five year old boy is amazingly strong. I was also very moved by the people who were supporting him such as his parents and doctors although they did not appear on TV. Mr. Rodgers says to Jeff "We have to discover our own ways of doing things when we are feeling blue." I was impressed by his words. I have never watched such a high quality TV program in Japan before.