Monday, October 23, 2017


日曜日の夜は大型台風の影響を受けての酷い雨。ラジオで衆議院選挙の結果報告を途切れ途切れに聞きながら近畿各地の河川の水位が上がっているとの緊迫した報道が頻繁に入っていました。その中に芹川、彦根、甲良などの名前もあり心配でした。一夜明けて雨が止んでいたので散歩の足を延ばして芹川まで行ってみました。まだかなり強い風の中、芹川を見るとすごい濁流で水位もそれほど下がっていずに恐ろしいほどでした。けれど北の空はすでに 明るく、そこに虹がかかっていました。Yesterday, Sunday night, it rained heavily as an effect of the big typhoon. On the radio while I was listening to the report of the Lower House election which was held yesterday, a warning or official advice to evacuate from flooding of the river often came in suddenly and cut the program. This morning, since the rain was up, I went to see Serigawa which is the river which runs through our region. Standing in the heavy wind, still amid the typhoon, I saw the river. The level of the water was still high and the stream was rough and muddy. It was scary. Then, I turned and looked at the northern sky. The arch of the rainbow was over there.