Thursday, October 19, 2017


昨日は久しぶりにお天気でした。午後、スケッチ画家の松居清恵さんがお仲間とお越しくださいました。お見えになる少し前に何と「多賀あさひや」の外観をスケッチしてくださって、それを私にプレゼントして下さいました。嬉しい贈り物です! 数ヶ月前から工事をしていた前の参道は以前とすっかり様子が変わりました。神社への参拝の道としては落ち着きのない赤い街灯やボラードと呼ばれるポールが立ち並ぶこの道を私が好きではないことを知って松居さんは家の前の赤い三本のボラードを外して描いて下さっていました。Yesterday was a fine day after many long rainy days. In the afternoon Mr. Kiyoshige Matsui who is a sketch artist came to my cafe with his sketch friends. Surprisingly he gave me his work which was drawn outside of my cafe! He drew it yesterday just before his arrival. What a wonderful gift it is! There was long-term construction of the front street and it changed to a completely new and different one from before. Actually I don't like this new road because it doesn't seem appropriate as the front path to the Taga Shrine and many Japanese-style houses like my cafe along the street. You will see many red bollards and streetlights which were newly set on the street, and three bollards are also set in front of my cafe. On the sketch, however, they do not appear. I appreciate Mr. Matsui's thoughtfulness.