Sunday, October 8, 2017
床の間のしつらえを新しくしました。時期が違っていれば恥ずかしいなと思いながら、私には全く解読不可能な古い軸を掛け、S.Kさんが持ってきてくださった秋明菊(シュウメイギク)それに紅葉の舞扇をアクセントに置いてみました。日々深まり行く秋。穏やかな十月でありますように。I newly arranged the alcove. Because the hanging scroll is very old, I can not read the words at all, and am ashamed to admit that I do not know if it fits this season. Nevertheless, I decided to choose it. The flower is Shuumeigiku (Anemono hupehensis) which Ms. S.K brought from her garden. I also put a red maple leaf fan for the fall. It's been getting more autumn-like day by day. May it be a peaceful October!