Wednesday, October 4, 2017


今日は中秋の名月(十五夜)です。先日、アメリカから帰る飛行機の窓にまん丸で白く光っているものが見えるので何かと思ったら月でした。何時間も何時間も私は美しいお月様と一緒に旅を続けました。それは初めてのとても不思議な感覚で幸福な時間でした。今夜はお月様が顔を出してくださるかどうか分からないけれど、取りあえず子供の頃を思い出してお月見の支度をしてみました。去年お世話になったご近所のお宅の柿の実を許可を頂いたので採らせていただき、朝、Hさんが持ってきて下さった栗も一緒にお供えしました。秋の味覚一杯。素敵なお月見の縁側になりました。Tonight is the harvest moon (full moon). A couple of days ago when I was on the plane from the US to Japan, I saw a round white shining object from the window beside me. It was the moon and I ended up staying with it for hours and hours. I felt very strange about it and It was a happy time which I had never experienced before. I am not sure if I will be able to see the clear full moon tonight, but I prepared by setting up for viewing today's special moon recalling my childhood days when my grandmother did the same for this occasion. I picked some persimmons from the tree in my neighbor's garden since I got permission from the owner who kindly let me stay at her house last year while my house was being remodelled. I got some beautiful chestnuts from Mrs. H this morning. I offered these autumn fruits and nuts as well as dumpling and sake. I am glad for this gorgeous preparation for full moon viewing tonight.