Sunday, December 2, 2018
図書館で適当に選んで借りたCDを家で聴いて感銘を受けたもう一枚。 それは「THE ART of HARMONICA JOE SAKIMOTO」です。これは崎元譲さんによるハーモニカのソロですが、これまで私がイメージしてきたハーモニカの演奏を遥かに越える素晴らしいものでした。ハーモニカは子供の頃、最初に手にした楽器で吹いても吸っても音が出て音楽の時間に皆でブーカブーカ合奏したものです。うちには半音階が出るクロマティック・ハーモニカもありました。映画などではうら寂しい素朴な音色で聞こえてきたり、シンガーがギターと一緒に歌の合間に演奏したりしています。崎元さんのCDにはクラシックのアレンジもありますが、彼のために作曲された曲も多いようです。聴いていると彼の透明感のある音色にうっとりすると同時に「えっ、これどうやって演奏しているの?」とハーモニカの表現力にびっくりしてしまいます。タイトルの通り芸術的なハーモニカの音色。崎元譲さんの感性と力量、すごいです。I would like to introduce another CD which I chose randomly to borrow from the library. It is "THE ART of HARMONICA JOE SAKIMOTO" which is a solo album of harmonica by a Japanese performer, Joe Sakimoto. It is an amazing CD which is far beyond my expectation of harmonica playing. Harmonica is the first instrument I played when I was a child. It makes a sound when you either blow or suck and we played it all together with classmates in the music class at elementary school. I remember my brother had a chromatic harmonica at home.We could hear the nostalgic sound of harmonica in a movie or when singers play it in the middle of their songs. In the CD, Sakimoto plays several classics but some music are original which were composed for him by a couple of composers. I listen attentively to his music and I am often surprised at his unbelievably amazing sound of the harmonica. As the title says, it is really " the art of harmonica". Mr. Sakimoto is very sensitive and talented as a musician. I am glad to encounter his harmonica playing.