Sunday, December 23, 2018
昨日(12/22)は冬至でした。冬至は一年で昼(日の出から日没まで)の時間が一番短い日。つまりこの日を境に翌日から再び力が蘇ってくることから中国では「一陽来復(いちようらいふく)」、運が向いてくると言われているそうです。冬至にゆず湯に入るのが昔からの習慣ですが、これは運を呼び込む前に厄払いをするための禊(みそぎ)だとか。私も夕べの入浴は香りの良いゆず湯でした。Yesterday was "Tooji (the winter solstice)". It was the day with the shortest period of daylight and the longest night of the year. According to the net info., there is a four letter word meaning "favorable turn of fortune" in China. In short, it means from the next day onward, your strength will come back again (your luck will turn in your favor). In Japan it has been a custom that people take a hot citron bath on this day. I learned that the origin of it was to purify yourself for getting luck. I took Yuzu-yu (hot citron bath) which has a nice smell last night and I felt sooo good.