雪が止んでいることを期待していましたが、今朝はやっぱり雪。 年末のこの時期の雪降りは残念ですが仕方がありません。 カフェは勝手ながらお休みにして、彦根の友人、Y.Eさんの厚意に甘えて 雪降る中、近くのホームセンターに石油ストーブをもう一台と灯油を買いに行きました。灯油は去年より値上がりしています。Although I expected that the snow had stopped, it accumulated about 7.8 in. It is too bad that we have snow days during these busy days at the end of the year. I decided to close my cafe because of this bad weather. Despite the snow, my friend, Ms. Y.E who lives in Hikone kindly took me to a home improvement supplies store nearby. I bought an oil heater which I needed one more of and two poly-tanks of kerosene there. The cost of the kerosene has risen from last year.