Wednesday, April 5, 2017


カフェの名前「多賀あさひや」の題字は小学校の恩師の北村百合子先生が書いてくださいました。おしゃれでモダンで妥協のない先生のお暮しぶりは昔も今も変わりがありません。いただくお手紙の字がいつもとてもきれいで、半世紀以上も先生と先生の字に接してこられたことを幸せに思っています。カフェの説明も充分にせず、無謀なお願いでしたが、心のこもったとても温かい書を贈ってくださいました。大切に使わせていただきたいと思っています。The person who wrote the name of my cafe "Taga Asahiya" is my elementary school teacher, Ms.Yuriko Kitamura. Her fashionable, modern and uncompromising life style has not changed much from the old days to now. Letters from her are so beautiful and nice every time. I am grateful to have such a nice connection with her and to see her beautiful handwriting over a half century. It was a reckless request to ask for calligraphy of the cafe's name without giving much information about the cafe, but she wrote a magnificent title for me. It will be my treasure from her. Thank you so much, Kitamura sensee!