4月23日(日曜日) 2017
22日の多賀まつりは風と少し寒さがありましたがお天気に恵まれて古式豊かな騎馬のおわたりが執り行われました。「多賀あさひや」も行きの おわたりの通過直後からお客様が増えてKさん、Hさんの強力な援軍がありながらもてんてこ舞いの忙しさでした。庭の新芽が鮮やかに吹き出して和室からお客様に楽しんでいただいています。店内も季節の花でいっぱいです。明るい軽やかな春の到来です!On the 22nd, Taga-matsuri was held with lines of people walking or riding on horses in traditional costume under the clear sky, although it was windy and still a bit cold. Many customers came in to the cafe just after the first main procession had passed by. We (Ms. K, Ms.H and I) were a powerful team in running the cafe for this special day, even though there were times when all of the tables were full and we were almost in a panic. Phew! Our guests in the Tatami-room can enjoy the fresh green colors of the newly-budded plants in the garden. There are also many seasonal flowers inside the cafe. Now we welcome the bright spring!