Sunday, April 2, 2017

月が変わったので座敷の床の間のしつらえを新しくしました。掛け軸は平井東庵の画。東庵は滋賀の村上家に生まれ後に西陣の織物卸売商、平井家に入った江戸末期の実業家で画や茶に精通していた人物とのことです。動物は犬でしょうか。ちょっとモダンな感じがします。横にゼンマイが描いてあるので春の掛け軸だと分かりました。左は桜の舞扇です。右は前に友人Hさんが生けてくださったいぶきを廊下から床の間に移しました。お客様が「春」を感じて下さると嬉しいです。Since we are in the new month, I  changed the display of the alcove in the guest room. As for the hanging scroll, it was done by Thoan Hirai who was born in Murakami family in Shiga and later was adopted in Hirai family which was a merchant of Nishijin in Kyoto. He became a big businessman in the late Edo period. He also had thorough knowledge of Japanese paintings and the tea ceremony. The animal which he drew might be dogs. I feel this drawing is quite modern although it was done about 150 years ago. I know it is for the spring from the picture of Osmund on the right side. You will see cherry blossom in the fan. I moved the green in bamboo vase to the alcove from the hall way.  It was arranged by my friend, H.  I wish you could feel the spring from this display.