クラウンデュオのロネ&ジージが久しぶりに海外へ出ていきます。今年9月末から10月半ばにかけてインドで開かれる国際クラウンフェスティバルに招待されました! 世界のクラウンたちと一緒に日本が誇る我らがクラウン・ロネ&ジージはインド中の子供や大人たちを笑いの渦に巻き込むことでしょう。20日間に及ぶ長期間の活躍、体に気をつけて弾けまくってもらいたいものです!
(Rone & GigiのFacebookより)
Clown Duo, RONE & Gigi will be performing overseas after a long time. They are invited to the International Clown Festival in India from the end of September to the middle of October. We are sure that Rone & Gigi will bring on the fun along with other clowns from other countries, to both kids and adults. The Clown Festival will be held for almost 20 days. We hope Rone & Gigi will perform successfully in good health and come back to Japan safely.
By the way, Rone & Gigi will be on the popular newspaper, Asahi, as a "Front Runner" on Sep. 2nd. They will have a Clown Live performance from Sep.22nd to 24th in Tokyo. After coming back from India, they will come to Taga and give performances at my cafe. We are very proud of them and excited for these activities.