RONE & Gigiのクラウン・ライブが10月31日(日)多賀あさひやであります。前日の30日(土)には「クラウンについて」の講座もあります。国際的な輝かしい賞を数多く受賞している芸達者の二人のステージが間近で観られます。コロナ禍もようやく収まった秋のひとときリラックスして笑える絶好の機会です!是非、是非、お越しください!!
Clown live of RONE & Gigi will be held on October 31st at Taga Asahiya. There will be a talk about "what clown is" on Oct. 30. They received many brilliant international awards in the past and it will be a very good chance to watch the stage closely by skilled performers. Now coronavirus has settled down these days and you will be relaxed and laughing. We hope you enjoy their stage performance. Please come!
Clown live : Oct 31 (Sunday) 13:00~ , 17:00-: Adult 3500yen child 2500 yen
Talk : Oct.30 (Saturday) 13:00- 3000yen
Talk : Oct.30 (Saturday) 13:00- 3000yen
Please call 0749-48-0186 or Facebook to get tickets or come to the cafe. Hope you will enjoy it.