お正月三が日が終わって鏡開きをしました。(「鏡餅」「鏡開き」については2020.1.6のブログにいわれを書きましたのでご覧ください。)硬くなった大きなお餅を切るのは危険を伴う一大事。熱湯で温めた包丁で切るのが良いとネット情報にあったのでマネてみることに。どうにか切り終えました。お米一升分のお餅をこれから時間をかけてゆっくりいただきます。「お餅大好き!」ですから意外に早く胃袋の中へと消えてしまうかもしれません。The first three days of the new year are over and I took KAGAMI MOCHI (please take a look at my blog on 2020.1.6 to know details about KAGAMI MOCHI & KAGAMI-BIRAKI) down and cut them into smaller pieces. It is so hard and dangerous to cut big rice cakes which become dry and hard during the three days. Someone on a web site suggested using a knife which should be in hot water before cutting to make it easier, so I followed that. I have done it anyhow and put them into freezer bags. I will enjoy taking my time eating them. I love mochi very much, so they might go into my stomach earlier than expected.
お正月三が日が終わって鏡開きをしました。(「鏡餅」「鏡開き」については2020.1.6のブログにいわれを書きましたのでご覧ください。)硬くなった大きなお餅を切るのは危険を伴う一大事。熱湯で温めた包丁で切るのが良いとネット情報にあったのでマネてみることに。どうにか切り終えました。お米一升分のお餅をこれから時間をかけてゆっくりいただきます。「お餅大好き!」ですから意外に早く胃袋の中へと消えてしまうかもしれません。The first three days of the new year are over and I took KAGAMI MOCHI (please take a look at my blog on 2020.1.6 to know details about KAGAMI MOCHI & KAGAMI-BIRAKI) down and cut them into smaller pieces. It is so hard and dangerous to cut big rice cakes which become dry and hard during the three days. Someone on a web site suggested using a knife which should be in hot water before cutting to make it easier, so I followed that. I have done it anyhow and put them into freezer bags. I will enjoy taking my time eating them. I love mochi very much, so they might go into my stomach earlier than expected.