Thursday, January 7, 2021

今日からまた雪になるとの予報で早めに図書館、郵便局、買い出し、灯油補給と予定通りこなしてヤレヤレといった気分。買い出しの途中で雪が舞い出し「大変、急がねば!」と思うも先日の転倒経験があるので「無理シナイ」を言い聞かせて帰りました。それにしても東京の1日の感染者が2447人。この数字は一体どこまで上がるんでしょうか。終息が必ずあると理解するも100年前のスペイン風邪の時は3年かかったそうです。医学も人々の健康意識も高まった現代はどうかそのようなことなく早く峠を越えるよう願うばかりです。新年が明けて早1週間。七草がゆで気持ちを和らげました。According to the weather forecast, it will snow from late afternoon today, so I went to the library, post office, supermarket in Hikone and home center for supplying oil for the heater early. On my way back, since snow started falling, I wanted to hurry to go home, but I needed to be careful to drive a bicycle to not fall like my previous experience. Anyway, the news reported that 2,447 people were infected with coronavirus today in Tokyo. I wonder how high the numbers will go up. I know this pandemic will end someday, but I read that Spanish flu which spread around the world 100 years ago and it took three years until the end. Now that both medical technology and people's health consciousness have gone up so much higher than those days, I really hope the peak of the spread will pass soon. Today is the seventh day of the new year. I made Nanakusa-gayu (rice porridge with the seven herbs of spring) and it made me calm down.