Thursday, January 21, 2021

多賀大社では節分が近づくと、厄神斎というお札(ふだ)が売られることをお客様のNさんから教えていただきました。早速多賀大社へ。竹に挟まれたお札は淡い黄色。これはクチナシ色で魔除けの力があるとされ古くから神社の厄除札として用いられる色とのこと。お札を買ったら一緒に福豆もついて700円でした。またクジも引けるようになっていて私は多賀大社のおしゃもじが当たりました。感染病の新型コロナウィルスが日本中どころか地球全体猛威を振るっています。多賀大社のお力をお借りして疫病には一刻も早く退散してもらいたいと今回ほど願うことはありません。Cafe's regular customer, Mr.N taught me that when Setsubun (The Last Day of Winter) is approaching, an amulet called "Yaku-jin-sai" for protecting against misfortune is being sold in Taga-taisha. I went to the shrine to get it. The color of the amulet which was put in a bamboo stick was light yellow. It is a color of Cape jasmine which has a power of protecting you from evil, and Taga-taisha has been using this color for the amulet since ancient times. When I asked for the amulet at the office, Fuku-mame (parched and roasted soybeans scattered on Setsubun) came with it and it cost 700 yen. I also had a chance to draw a lottery. I got a rice scoop with the letter of Taga-taisha branded. Coronavirus is prevalent not only in Japan but also all over the world. I strongly wish the coronavirus will leave right away with the help of God of Taga-taisha.