Monday, January 11, 2021

お天気もよく日曜日の今日は多賀大社も賑わっていたようで外にでると神社の前に人が大勢見えました。今日はまた嬉しい贈り物をいただきました。多賀大社の今年の莚寿すずです。干支の丑が何とも上品で可愛らしいです。いつも多賀大社にまつわる色々なことをお教えいただき心から尊敬申し上げているお客様のご健康と令和三年の平穏を願わずにはいられません。It was a clear Sunday today and it seemed Taga Taisha was crowded with people visiting. When I was out on the street, I saw many people in front of the shrine. Today I received a nice gift which made me feel pleasant. It was an Ox-shaped bell named Enjyu-suzu (lit.long life bell) in Taga Taisha. 2021 is the Ox year in the zodiac calendar and the ox bell is so cute and elegant. I wish for a peaceful year of 2021 and good health for the presenter who always teaches me various things about the shrine and I deeply respect him.