高宮駅に展示中の浮世絵3点を観てきました。これは小児科医の藤関義樹院長の収集の一部を月ごとに少しずつ見せてくださっているもので、防犯面を考えて写真での展示になっていますが十分楽しめます。今月は月がテーマとのことで芳月姿より芳年作「堅田浦乃月」と土屋光逸作「品川沖」、それに月ではありませんが、井出岳水作「雨中鷺図」です。それぞれとても味わい深くゆっくり観せていただきました。藤関さんの非常に分かりやすい丁寧な解説が浮世絵鑑賞に大変役立ち有難いです。講談、浪曲など古典芸能にも詳しい藤関さんならではの解説です。それぞれについては解説を直接読んでいただいた方がずっといいのでここでは省きますが、煌々と光る月の下で戦いに敗れて途中馬を調達して堅田に住む乳母を尋ねる内藤内蔵助の裏寂れた姿と馬の様子がこれから展開する悲しい場面を暗示しているようです。次の新版画の土屋光逸の「品川沖」は静かな水面に浮かぶ二曹の船の美しい情景に感動します。最後の「雨中鷺図」の描写を藤関さんの解説に添って鑑賞すると充実感いっぱいになります。どれも貴重な藤関さんのコレクションの一部。素晴らしいです。I went to Takamiya Station to appreciate UKIYOE (woodblock print) which are now being exhibited in the community room of the station. This is a collection of pediatrician, Dr. Y.Fujiseki and two or three UKIYOE are exhibiting every month. Although they are photo copies for security reasons, there is no problem to appreciate those paintings. The theme of this month is "moon". The first one is by Tsukioka Hounen (1839-1892), the second one is by Ide Gakusui (1891-1982) and the third one which is not related to the moon, is by Tsuchiya Kouitsu (1870-1949) . Dr. Fujiseki put an easy and detailed explanation about each woodblock print, so it is very helpful for us to appreciate those prints. The first one is a scene of tragedy which also appears in traditional storytelling and the second one is two boats on the surface of the sea under the moon which is so beautiful. The last one is heron in the rain. Dr. Fujiseki wrote about the technique of this print which let us enjoy it more. These Ukiyoe are just a part of his collection and they are wonderful!
Thursday, October 29, 2020
高宮駅に展示中の浮世絵3点を観てきました。これは小児科医の藤関義樹院長の収集の一部を月ごとに少しずつ見せてくださっているもので、防犯面を考えて写真での展示になっていますが十分楽しめます。今月は月がテーマとのことで芳月姿より芳年作「堅田浦乃月」と土屋光逸作「品川沖」、それに月ではありませんが、井出岳水作「雨中鷺図」です。それぞれとても味わい深くゆっくり観せていただきました。藤関さんの非常に分かりやすい丁寧な解説が浮世絵鑑賞に大変役立ち有難いです。講談、浪曲など古典芸能にも詳しい藤関さんならではの解説です。それぞれについては解説を直接読んでいただいた方がずっといいのでここでは省きますが、煌々と光る月の下で戦いに敗れて途中馬を調達して堅田に住む乳母を尋ねる内藤内蔵助の裏寂れた姿と馬の様子がこれから展開する悲しい場面を暗示しているようです。次の新版画の土屋光逸の「品川沖」は静かな水面に浮かぶ二曹の船の美しい情景に感動します。最後の「雨中鷺図」の描写を藤関さんの解説に添って鑑賞すると充実感いっぱいになります。どれも貴重な藤関さんのコレクションの一部。素晴らしいです。I went to Takamiya Station to appreciate UKIYOE (woodblock print) which are now being exhibited in the community room of the station. This is a collection of pediatrician, Dr. Y.Fujiseki and two or three UKIYOE are exhibiting every month. Although they are photo copies for security reasons, there is no problem to appreciate those paintings. The theme of this month is "moon". The first one is by Tsukioka Hounen (1839-1892), the second one is by Ide Gakusui (1891-1982) and the third one which is not related to the moon, is by Tsuchiya Kouitsu (1870-1949) . Dr. Fujiseki put an easy and detailed explanation about each woodblock print, so it is very helpful for us to appreciate those prints. The first one is a scene of tragedy which also appears in traditional storytelling and the second one is two boats on the surface of the sea under the moon which is so beautiful. The last one is heron in the rain. Dr. Fujiseki wrote about the technique of this print which let us enjoy it more. These Ukiyoe are just a part of his collection and they are wonderful!
高宮駅に展示中の浮世絵3点を観てきました。これは小児科医の藤関義樹院長の収集の一部を月ごとに少しずつ見せてくださっているもので、防犯面を考えて写真での展示になっていますが十分楽しめます。今月は月がテーマとのことで芳月姿より芳年作「堅田浦乃月」と土屋光逸作「品川沖」、それに月ではありませんが、井出岳水作「雨中鷺図」です。それぞれとても味わい深くゆっくり観せていただきました。藤関さんの非常に分かりやすい丁寧な解説が浮世絵鑑賞に大変役立ち有難いです。講談、浪曲など古典芸能にも詳しい藤関さんならではの解説です。それぞれについては解説を直接読んでいただいた方がずっといいのでここでは省きますが、煌々と光る月の下で戦いに敗れて途中馬を調達して堅田に住む乳母を尋ねる内藤内蔵助の裏寂れた姿と馬の様子がこれから展開する悲しい場面を暗示しているようです。次の新版画の土屋光逸の「品川沖」は静かな水面に浮かぶ二曹の船の美しい情景に感動します。最後の「雨中鷺図」の描写を藤関さんの解説に添って鑑賞すると充実感いっぱいになります。どれも貴重な藤関さんのコレクションの一部。素晴らしいです。I went to Takamiya Station to appreciate UKIYOE (woodblock print) which are now being exhibited in the community room of the station. This is a collection of pediatrician, Dr. Y.Fujiseki and two or three UKIYOE are exhibiting every month. Although they are photo copies for security reasons, there is no problem to appreciate those paintings. The theme of this month is "moon". The first one is by Tsukioka Hounen (1839-1892), the second one is by Ide Gakusui (1891-1982) and the third one which is not related to the moon, is by Tsuchiya Kouitsu (1870-1949) . Dr. Fujiseki put an easy and detailed explanation about each woodblock print, so it is very helpful for us to appreciate those prints. The first one is a scene of tragedy which also appears in traditional storytelling and the second one is two boats on the surface of the sea under the moon which is so beautiful. The last one is heron in the rain. Dr. Fujiseki wrote about the technique of this print which let us enjoy it more. These Ukiyoe are just a part of his collection and they are wonderful!