まもなく11月、霜月が始まります。横田順さんの墨画展はお蔭様で連日大勢の方にお越しいただきました。こちらからご案内を差し上げた方もいらっしゃいましたが、新聞で知った方、多賀大社参拝の帰りにお立ち寄りくださった方など様々な方に墨画という横田さん独自の世界に触れていただいたことは何よりと喜んでおります。さて、次はガラリと雰囲気が変わってクラウンデュオ、ロネ&ジージの公演と講座のご案内です。去年初めて多賀あさひやにクラウンたちが来てくれました。今年はちょっと大人向けのパフォーマンスになります。世界的に認められたクラウンたちです。ご期待ください。コロナ禍でもあり限定人数とさせていただきます。ご希望の方は電話、FBまたはメールでお知らせください。It will be the start of November soon. We had many people come to the exhibition of Sumi-ink painting by Sunao Yokota. I am grateful to all the people who came to the exhibition. Some of them were people who received the invitation card to the exhibition, but others were people who found out about the exhibition by newspaper and people who stopped by my cafe after visiting shirine. I am glad that those people had an opportunity to experience the original world which Yokota created by Sumi-ink. Well, I would like to invite you to a performance and lecture by clown duo "Rone & Gigi" which is in a completely different mood from Sumi-ink painting. This would be the second visit to Taga from last year. This time the performance will be for adults and I am looking forward to seeing them. Since we still need to be careful about coronavirus, we need to limit the number of audiences. If you are interested in the performance or lecture, please contact me by phone or email.