Thursday, February 6, 2020

立春を過ぎた今ごろになって寒波がやってきました。昨日は珍しく雪景色。そんな寒さの中、今年も味噌作りをしました。大豆(一升)糀(2升)塩(800g)が材料です。まずは糀に塩をいれてよく混ぜ込みます。次に柔らかく煮ておいた大豆をもう一度熱くして、ザルにあけ、二重にした丈夫なビニール袋に入れて潰します。私たちは機械がないので毎年手や足で潰しています。滑らかな味噌を作るにはここでよく潰すことがコツ。熱を持たなくなったら、塩が入った糀を入れてよく混ぜます。それを団子にしてツボの中へ強く投げ入れます。空気が入らないようにするためです。表面をならして、板粕で蓋をして空気に触れないようにし、さらにビニール袋で包み、冷暗所に放置します。10月ごろには美味しい味噌が出来上がるはず。自家製味噌を作り始めて3年目。皆さんと一緒に楽しく作業ができました。Big chill has come although it is the start of spring according to the calendar. I saw light snow yesterday. On such a cold morning, we made our own MISO this year, too. We need soy (1.5kg), malted rice (3kg), salt (800g) for making Miso. First, we put salt into malted rice and mix them well. Next, we heat up soy which is previously boiled until it becomes softened, drain them and put them into doubled plastic bags to smash the soy. Since we don't have any device to smash, we smash by both feet and hands. If you want smooth Miso, you should smash the soy well. After cooling down the soy, mix mashed soy and malted rice well. Make into balls by hand and throw them into the pot strongly in order to avoid any air entering. After smoothing the surface, cover it with sake lees in order to not let them touch the air. Wrap the container with a big plastic bag and put it in a cool and dark place. We are supposed to get our home-made Miso in October. This is the third year that I make Miso. I appreciate this opportunity to make Miso with the people who love the work.






