Monday, February 17, 2020

新型コロナウイルスの日本国内感染拡大で不穏な毎日ながら、3月の桃の節句が近づいてきたので今年もまた古い雛人形を出して床の間に飾りました。何段もある立派なお雛様に比べると我が家のは色も褪せて不揃いであり、道具もなくなって、じみ〜なお雛様ですが、それでもこのところ毎年箱から出して飾れるのは楽しみでもあり嬉しいと思っています。赤い毛氈の ひな壇にお雛様を並べると床の間が一挙に華やかになります。スーパーで買った桃の花と、近所のおば様が生前お作りになったのをお嬢さんからいただいた美しい手毬も雛人形によく似合います。The last few weeks have been unsettling due to news of the spreading of coronavirus, but since Doll Festival in March is approaching, I took old Hina dolls out from boxes and displayed in the alcove. Compared to gorgeous Hina dolls which are displayed seven-tiered, Hina dolls in my house are very old, faded in color, and lacking various small ornaments, so they are very humble. It is however, an exciting time for me to take those out and display them in the alcove. When I put dolls and other ornaments on the red flannel, the alcove which usually is very simple became bright and cheerful. I put branches of peach which are from the supermarket in a vase and beautiful traditional Japanese handballs which were made by a lady who was my neighbor and her daughter kindly gave some of them to me after she passed away. They all matched well with my Hina dolls.