滋賀県内で新型肺炎の感染者が出ていないとはいえJRで外出することに躊躇はありましたが、読み聞かせのボランティアをしているので何かヒントがあるかもしれないと『コトバが育つココロが育つ「おうちで読書」』の研修会に大津の県庁まで出かけました。実は内田大樹さん(鳥取市立若草学園保育士、絵本専門士)の「おはなし会のコツ、そっとお伝えします」がプログラムにあったのでそれを拝聴したかったのです。未就学児に絵本を読むことに焦点が絞られていましたが、参加型で絵本を読む、絵本の世界から外へ広げていく、など内田さんの生き生きした実践の中でのお話は大変勉強になり、またご紹介くださった数冊の絵本は選書に苦労する者としては大変助かりました。今日思い切って出かけたもう一つの収穫。それは南彦根駅の駐輪場を1日だけ使うやり方が分かったことです。今朝は係の方に教えていただきましたが、これからは無人でも一人で自転車を預けておくことができます。1日160円。ヤッホ〜!Even though there have not been reports of people being infected by coronavirus in Shiga yet, I hesitated to go out by train, but in the end Idecided to go out to the prefectural office in Otsu. It was for a workshop for picture book storytelling in public. Shiga Prefectural Board of Education organized the workshop and they advocate "Reading Picture Books for Small Kids Enriches Kid's Heart". Actually, I was very much interested in Mr. Taiki Uchida's talk, titled "I will give some tips about storytelling of picture books". Mr. T. Uchida is a nursery teacher and a master storyteller of picture books. I learned many things from him as one of the volunteer members of storytelling at a local elementary school. He introduced some interesting picture books which were also very helpful to me. Apart from the workshop, It was a nice day for me to learn how to park my bicycle at the bicycle parking in Minami Hikone Station. I had been wondering how I should leave my bicycle, but today a person in charge kindly taught me what to do, so now I can manage it by myself. It charges only 160 yen for parking throughout the day. Yay!
Thursday, February 27, 2020
滋賀県内で新型肺炎の感染者が出ていないとはいえJRで外出することに躊躇はありましたが、読み聞かせのボランティアをしているので何かヒントがあるかもしれないと『コトバが育つココロが育つ「おうちで読書」』の研修会に大津の県庁まで出かけました。実は内田大樹さん(鳥取市立若草学園保育士、絵本専門士)の「おはなし会のコツ、そっとお伝えします」がプログラムにあったのでそれを拝聴したかったのです。未就学児に絵本を読むことに焦点が絞られていましたが、参加型で絵本を読む、絵本の世界から外へ広げていく、など内田さんの生き生きした実践の中でのお話は大変勉強になり、またご紹介くださった数冊の絵本は選書に苦労する者としては大変助かりました。今日思い切って出かけたもう一つの収穫。それは南彦根駅の駐輪場を1日だけ使うやり方が分かったことです。今朝は係の方に教えていただきましたが、これからは無人でも一人で自転車を預けておくことができます。1日160円。ヤッホ〜!Even though there have not been reports of people being infected by coronavirus in Shiga yet, I hesitated to go out by train, but in the end Idecided to go out to the prefectural office in Otsu. It was for a workshop for picture book storytelling in public. Shiga Prefectural Board of Education organized the workshop and they advocate "Reading Picture Books for Small Kids Enriches Kid's Heart". Actually, I was very much interested in Mr. Taiki Uchida's talk, titled "I will give some tips about storytelling of picture books". Mr. T. Uchida is a nursery teacher and a master storyteller of picture books. I learned many things from him as one of the volunteer members of storytelling at a local elementary school. He introduced some interesting picture books which were also very helpful to me. Apart from the workshop, It was a nice day for me to learn how to park my bicycle at the bicycle parking in Minami Hikone Station. I had been wondering how I should leave my bicycle, but today a person in charge kindly taught me what to do, so now I can manage it by myself. It charges only 160 yen for parking throughout the day. Yay!
滋賀県内で新型肺炎の感染者が出ていないとはいえJRで外出することに躊躇はありましたが、読み聞かせのボランティアをしているので何かヒントがあるかもしれないと『コトバが育つココロが育つ「おうちで読書」』の研修会に大津の県庁まで出かけました。実は内田大樹さん(鳥取市立若草学園保育士、絵本専門士)の「おはなし会のコツ、そっとお伝えします」がプログラムにあったのでそれを拝聴したかったのです。未就学児に絵本を読むことに焦点が絞られていましたが、参加型で絵本を読む、絵本の世界から外へ広げていく、など内田さんの生き生きした実践の中でのお話は大変勉強になり、またご紹介くださった数冊の絵本は選書に苦労する者としては大変助かりました。今日思い切って出かけたもう一つの収穫。それは南彦根駅の駐輪場を1日だけ使うやり方が分かったことです。今朝は係の方に教えていただきましたが、これからは無人でも一人で自転車を預けておくことができます。1日160円。ヤッホ〜!Even though there have not been reports of people being infected by coronavirus in Shiga yet, I hesitated to go out by train, but in the end Idecided to go out to the prefectural office in Otsu. It was for a workshop for picture book storytelling in public. Shiga Prefectural Board of Education organized the workshop and they advocate "Reading Picture Books for Small Kids Enriches Kid's Heart". Actually, I was very much interested in Mr. Taiki Uchida's talk, titled "I will give some tips about storytelling of picture books". Mr. T. Uchida is a nursery teacher and a master storyteller of picture books. I learned many things from him as one of the volunteer members of storytelling at a local elementary school. He introduced some interesting picture books which were also very helpful to me. Apart from the workshop, It was a nice day for me to learn how to park my bicycle at the bicycle parking in Minami Hikone Station. I had been wondering how I should leave my bicycle, but today a person in charge kindly taught me what to do, so now I can manage it by myself. It charges only 160 yen for parking throughout the day. Yay!