Monday, February 10, 2020

今回の小学校での読み聞かせは「はつてんじん」で相手は二年い組みの子供達でした。「はつてんじん」は落語を川端誠さんが子供用に絵本にしたものです。とうちゃんと息子の金坊がお正月に天満宮に行った時のお話で親子の掛け合いが絶妙でおかしいのですが、テンポの良さと緩急の難しさが私にはなかなかのハードルです。おまけに教室に見学の方がいらしたので余計な自意識が邪魔をして…、というのは言い訳がましいですが。まあ、こういう状況も乗り越えて、リラックスしてもっと上手に子供達に読んで聞かせられるよう精進したいと思います。Yesterday's storytelling at elementary school was "HATSU TENJIN" for the secondary kids. HATSU TENJIN is originally from RAKUGO (classical storytelling by one person) and Mr. Makoto Kawabata drew pictures and rewrote the story for kids. It is a story about a dad and his son who go to Tenmangu-shrine on New Year and the conversation between these two are exquisite and very funny. It should be read in a good tempo while varying the pace effectively which is very difficult and challenging to me. Besides, yesterday there were two guests observing my reading which made me nervous. Well, it is my excuse and I shouldn't say that. Anyhow, I would like to overcome any situation, and in order to be a good storyteller, I will put all my efforts into my storytelling.