Tuesday, November 5, 2019

連休最後の昨日、カフェを開けようかどうしようか迷いましたが定休日なので思い切って閉めて 宮島幸雄さんのステンドグラス展に出かけました。会場は守山の「うの家」で滋賀県から唯一人わが国の宰相になった宇野宗佑氏の生家です。江戸時代は宿場に馬や人足(労働力)を提供していたようですが、明治以後、造り酒屋になったそうです。明治初期に建てられたという建物は重厚で風情ある佇まい。数年前に守山市に譲渡されてからは中にレストランが入ったり様々なイベント会場としても使われています。さて、今回の展示会はランプが主でした。以前、宮島さんからステンドグラスの鑑賞の仕方や製作にあたって非常に綿密な過程を踏んでいらっしゃることなど伺いましたが、光がステンドグラスの微妙な色彩や濃淡、屈折を通して優しく目に入ってくるのを作品から間近に鑑賞できました。グラスを囲むハンダ付けも繊細な技術で見事でした。ところで、南彦根に帰って買い物をして自転車のところに戻ると、何とかわいいピンクのアンパンマンの自転車が隣に並んでいました!こんな嬉しいことってあるでしょうか?ご褒美をもらった気分でした!Since yesterday was the last day of consecutive holidays, I hesitated to close my cafe, but finally decided to do so as it is a regular closing day on Monday. I went to an exhibition of stained glass by Yukio Miyajima. It was held at "Uno House" in Moriyama where Mr. Sosuke Uno was born and raised. Sosuke Uno was the 57th prime minister of Japan and he was the only prime minister from Shiga prefecture. In Edo period, Uno House provided horses and laborers to a posting station but after the Meiji era, it became a sake brewery. The house was built in early Meiji (around 1870), and it is profound and tasteful. After the ownership of the house was transferred to the city of Moriyama from the Uno family, the house has been used as a restaurant and place for many events. Well, this time, Mr. Miyajima exhibited lamps mainly. I heard from Mr. Miyajima about the way of appreciating stained glass and the delicate processes of creating his works. I am grateful to appreciate his works, where light comes out gently through sensitively colored and shaded stained glass. The soldering around stained glasses are also superb. By the way, when I came back to bicycle parking after stopping by the grocery store, I found a cute pinkish children's bicycle with Anpanman's character next to mine. What a pleasant scene it was! I thought I was very lucky to stop my bicycle in that spot.
