9日(土曜日)は多賀あさひや始まって以来の沸きに沸いた賑やかで楽しいRone & Gigi (https://
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
9日(土曜日)は多賀あさひや始まって以来の沸きに沸いた賑やかで楽しいRone & Gigi (https:// www.op-sesame.com/) のクラウンショーで、10日(日曜日)はRoneこと高野呂音さんによる「怒りのコントロールと笑顔のコミュニケーション」の講座でした。
前々日に多賀入りしたロネとジージはまずは絵馬通りを歩いて多賀の人たちへご挨拶。先日、朝日新聞でクラウンショーの案内が写真付きで掲載されたので、町のおじさん、おばさん達が新聞で見たよ!と言って喜んでくださったそうです。二人は多賀大社にも。七五三詣りの家族連れは突然のクラウンたちの出現に胸が弾んだことでしょう。9日のクラウンショーは子供達の元気な声と飛び入りで舞台に上がったお客様達のおかげで盛り上がりました。プロとしてクラウン歴30年のロネとジージ、二人のステージは流石です。クラウンがよく分からないまま観に来て下さったお客様も彼らのこと少し分かって下さったのではと思います。翌日の講座は怒りについてとコミュニケーション術をロネさんの落ち着いた温かい語り口で勉強しました。腹を立てて怒っていると体によくないそうです。笑って過ごせる時間が毎日あるといいですね。Last Saturday, on Nov. 9th, we held Rone & Gigi 's Clown Show (https:// www.op-sesame.com/) which was the most lively, funny time since Taga Asahiya opened. The next day, on Nov. 10th, there was a lecture of "Anger Management and communication with a smile" by Ms. Rone Takano ("Rone" in the clown duo). Two days before their performance, Rone & Gigi came to Taga and the following day they walked along the main street to greet people in Taga. Since they were on the Asahi Newspaper with their photo, upon greeting senior people, they were met with exclamations of " I know about you!". Rone & Gigi went to Taga Taisha, too. There were many families who visited the shrine with their seven, five or three-year-old children to celebrate their growth and well-being. They must have been excited by the appearance of the two clowns at the shrine. The Clown Show was really lively and we thank the kids and audience who joined in the show. Rone & Gigi have 30 years of experience as a professional clown duo and their performance was really great. I think many people who didn't know what a clown was got to know about it. Rone gave a lecture which was about anger management and the technique of good communication. Since Rone's talk was calm and warm, the lecture was really convincing. According to the talk, losing temper is the cause of losing one's health. I wish people have the time to laugh or smile at least once a day.
9日(土曜日)は多賀あさひや始まって以来の沸きに沸いた賑やかで楽しいRone & Gigi (https://