少し前に彦根の農家の友人が落花生を根っこごと持ってきてくれました。落花生は地中に実をつけることは知っていましたが、実際に見るのは初めてです。掘り起こして1日経っているらしく葉は少し乾いていましたが畑の土はそのままついていて、どこまで土に埋まっていたかすぐ分かりました。枝から落花生を取って、きれいに洗って、それから少し多めの塩を入れて殻のまま茹でて、殻を外して中のピーナツを取り出すと塩加減もちょうどよく半なまの美味しいピーナツ完成。後を引くような美味しさで、ビールのお供にぴったり。仲間とのおしゃべりも弾みました。A few days ago, a friend of mine who is in Hikone and whose husband grows rice and vegetables, brought peanuts with their roots and leaves still attached. I knew that peanuts grow in the ground but it was the first time for me to see them in this condition in front of me. Although it had already been one day since the plants were dug up, I could recognize the level of soil. I took off the peanut's shell, washed them well, and boiled them putting extra salt, then took out the nuts from the shell. They were very good half raw peanuts. I couldn't stop eating them. My friends and I enjoyed talking while drinking beer which went well with these peanuts.
Friday, November 15, 2019
少し前に彦根の農家の友人が落花生を根っこごと持ってきてくれました。落花生は地中に実をつけることは知っていましたが、実際に見るのは初めてです。掘り起こして1日経っているらしく葉は少し乾いていましたが畑の土はそのままついていて、どこまで土に埋まっていたかすぐ分かりました。枝から落花生を取って、きれいに洗って、それから少し多めの塩を入れて殻のまま茹でて、殻を外して中のピーナツを取り出すと塩加減もちょうどよく半なまの美味しいピーナツ完成。後を引くような美味しさで、ビールのお供にぴったり。仲間とのおしゃべりも弾みました。A few days ago, a friend of mine who is in Hikone and whose husband grows rice and vegetables, brought peanuts with their roots and leaves still attached. I knew that peanuts grow in the ground but it was the first time for me to see them in this condition in front of me. Although it had already been one day since the plants were dug up, I could recognize the level of soil. I took off the peanut's shell, washed them well, and boiled them putting extra salt, then took out the nuts from the shell. They were very good half raw peanuts. I couldn't stop eating them. My friends and I enjoyed talking while drinking beer which went well with these peanuts.
少し前に彦根の農家の友人が落花生を根っこごと持ってきてくれました。落花生は地中に実をつけることは知っていましたが、実際に見るのは初めてです。掘り起こして1日経っているらしく葉は少し乾いていましたが畑の土はそのままついていて、どこまで土に埋まっていたかすぐ分かりました。枝から落花生を取って、きれいに洗って、それから少し多めの塩を入れて殻のまま茹でて、殻を外して中のピーナツを取り出すと塩加減もちょうどよく半なまの美味しいピーナツ完成。後を引くような美味しさで、ビールのお供にぴったり。仲間とのおしゃべりも弾みました。A few days ago, a friend of mine who is in Hikone and whose husband grows rice and vegetables, brought peanuts with their roots and leaves still attached. I knew that peanuts grow in the ground but it was the first time for me to see them in this condition in front of me. Although it had already been one day since the plants were dug up, I could recognize the level of soil. I took off the peanut's shell, washed them well, and boiled them putting extra salt, then took out the nuts from the shell. They were very good half raw peanuts. I couldn't stop eating them. My friends and I enjoyed talking while drinking beer which went well with these peanuts.