Saturday, October 20, 2018
今年、2月に皆さんと一緒に作った自家製味噌が食べられる時期と なりました。私には初挑戦の味噌作り(2月10日ブログ参照)、裏の小屋に封をして寝かせて おいた壷を出して、胸が高鳴る中、お手伝いいただいて いるS.Kさんと一緒に中を開けてみました。白っぽかった酒粕の蓋の色も 飴色になり、その下にきれいに出来上がった味噌を見た時の嬉しさは 格別です。大豆と塩と糀だけで添加物が一切入っていない自家製の味噌の味は 最高です。We made homemade miso (fermented soybean paste) at the cafe in February this year (cf. Feb. 10 blog), and we believed it should be ready by now. This is the first time I challenged myself to make miso on my own. I put it in a storage shed in the back for about seven months to let it ferment and now is a good time to take it out. I asked Ms. S.K who is always helpful, to assist and together we opened the container of miso. The color of the cover of Sake Kasu (the left over bits from the sake making process) was a brown color which had been whitish at first in February and it was a wonderful moment when I was able to see a beautiful light brown miso underneath it. It is perfect homemade miso which contains no additives, only soybean, salt and malted rice. Needless to say, it has a great taste!