Thursday, October 18, 2018


先日、スケッチ画家の松居清恵さんがスケッチのお仲間大勢とカフェに 来てくださり、離れでコーヒーとおしゃべりでゆっくり過ごしてくださいました。お仲間の一人「名古屋かこう会」の副会長の井出のりこさんが、カフェにいらっしゃる前に外でお描きになったスケッチをご自身のFacebookにお載せになったそうで、それを松居さんが私に送ってくださいましたので、ご紹介します。 普段あまり気づかない電柱が存在感を発揮していて新鮮です。松居さんによると、来月は名古屋から数十名の方が彦根へスケッチにいらっしゃるそうです。 スケッチを通して他府県との交流、なかなか素敵だと思います。The other day, a sketch artist, Mr. Kiyoshige Matsui came to the cafe with his sketch group and had a relaxing time with coffee and chatting at the annex room. One of the group members, Ms. Noriko Ide who is the vice president of "Nagoya Sketch Club" drew a sketch of the front area of the cafe just as she arrived. She put it on her facebook, and Mr. Matsui sent it to me. It is a wonderful sketch, so I would like to share it here. On her sketch, I like the three telephone poles which I usually do not pay much attention to. They are existing lively here. According to Mr. Matsui, a big sketch group from Nagoya will come to Hikone next month for drawing. It is very nice to have cultural interactions with other cities through sketching.