Sunday, October 14, 2018
彦根市野田山町にお住まいの風景写真家、中村憲一(のりかず)さんが 多賀町を流れる芹川上流の秋の写真をお持ちくださり、期間限定で カフェの蔵に飾らせていただいています。見事な紅葉と山から流れ落ちる 川のしぶき。静かな山間(やまあい)のいっときの艶やかな秋の風景が楽しめます。普段は色の少ないひっそりした蔵ですが、中村さんの写真で蔵の家具や柱たちが嬉しそうに感じられます。どうぞ観にいらして下さい。A landscape photographer, Mr. Norikazu Nakamura, who is living in Nodayama in Hikone brought his beautiful work which depicts the fall scenery of the upper stream of Serigawa (Seri-river) which runs through Taga. It is a picture of gorgeous autumn foliage and the stream which is making a big splash in the mountain valley. We display it in the cafe during the fall season. It is on the wall in the warehouse portion of the cafe which is typically monochromatic and quiet but because of this gorgeous picture, the furniture and pillars come alive and it is almost as if they are having a pleasant time. Wishing you will come and appreciate this photo in the cafe.