Tuesday, January 2, 2018
2018年(平成30年)が始まりました。日本に帰って二年目のお正月。カフェの仕事に追われっぱなしの年末年始です。アメリカではしっかりおせち料理を作って元旦にはお客様を招いてまさに「お正月らしく」お祝いをしていたのですから、この落差に我ながら笑ってしまいます。カフェ開業時にご近所のお菓子屋さんからいただいた五つの達磨さん。1年目が無事終ったので最初のだるまに満願の目を入れ、次のだるまの片目を入れました。二年目の「多賀あさひや」もどうか無事に越えられますように…。The year of 2018 has started. It is the second new year for me since I came back to Japan. To tell you the truth, it's been terribly busy at the end of the year and new years day for me at the cafe. In the US, I prepared the special dishes for the new year and invited friends on the first day of the new year to celebrate. I can not help but to laugh at myself because it was more Japanese than now in Japan. My neighbor gave me five small Dharma dolls when I opened the cafe. I drew one eye of the first Dharma last year with my wish. Since the first year passed safely and happily, I filled the other eye and filled one eye of another one praying that the second year of the cafe will also end successfully.