Friday, January 12, 2018


今日、いただいた苺。今年初の苺です。ちょっぴり贅沢な気分で大きな粒(縦6cm)を半分口に入れてみました。……何て甘くて美味しいんでしょう! 大げさかもしれないけど、こんな美味しい苺は生まれて初めてです。「あきひめ」という銘柄だそうです。つやつやで本当にお姫様のよう。こんなにも美しく美味しい苺を大切に育てて下さった農家の方に感謝です。Today, I was given strawberries. They are the first strawberries of the year for me. I put half of one of the big strawberries (2.4 inch long) into my mouth with a luxurious feeling. Wow! What a sweet and delicious one it is!! It may sound like an exaggeration but I have never eaten such a sweet strawberry before. The brand is called Akihime. Indeed it is shining and looks like a beautiful princess. I appreciate the farmer who carefully raised such sweet, delicious strawberries.