Wednesday, January 17, 2018


先日年賀はがきの当選番号が発表になりました。もとより大当たりは期待していないものの、せめて切手シールが当たりますように…と密かに期待するのは人情というもの。いただいた年賀状の下二ケタを見てみた結果、3枚当選番号がありました!早速、郵便局に行って記念切手をもらってきました。かわいいワンちゃんの切手です。The other day, we knew the result of New Year's lottery postcard. From the beginning, I didn't expect a "big hit", but naturally I hoped that I would get the commemorative stamps at least. As a result of checking all of my receiving cards, there were three cards with the winning number among them! I went to the post office and received three sheets of stamps. They are a cute design of dogs which made me happy.