Friday, January 19, 2018


一年振りに伊勢の大神楽の一座が多賀に来て下さいました。遠く聞こえていた笛と太鼓と鐘の音がだんだん近づいてきて、ついに大きなお獅子が家に 入ってきた時のドキドキ、ワクワク感が何とも言えません。カフェの中で一舞して下さり、お獅子に頭を噛んでもらって無病息災を祈願。それから、玄関先で二つの獅子がお囃子に合せて獅子舞を見せてくださり贅沢な心持ちになりました。昔から続いている年中行事。何とも風情のある光景です。Today a troupe of Shishi-Kagura came to our town from Ise district after one year, when they came last January. First, I heard the sound of flute, drum and bell in the distance, then it gradually came near, and finally two men, one putting on a big Shishi (lion mask) and the other holding a flute, came into my house. I was really excited when I saw them. They showed Shishi-mai (lion dance) in the cafe and after that the lion bit my head (it means that I was promised safety and good health). The troupe showed another dance in front of the cafe. This is an annual custom in this area. What a tasteful and enjoyable scene it is!