Monday, November 20, 2017


18、19日の週末はJapan Coffee Festival 2017 for workshop-cafe in TAGAというイベントが絵馬通りで行なわれました。空き家を借りたり、テントを張ったりして焙煎コーヒーの試飲販売でした。多くの若い人、家族連れで賑わっていましたが、「出展」の意味がよく分からず、我がカフェ「多賀あさひや」はマグカップを片手に歩く多くの若者たちを眺めるだけの2日間でした。それにしても冬本番の寒さながら、イベントに来ていた人達の元気なことには驚きました。そんな中、半年振りに顔を見せてくださった長野塩尻からのご夫婦。尾道へのご旅行の途中、春に多賀に寄り道をして偶然カフェにおいでくださった方達です。昨日は風知草(フウチソウ)と長野のリンゴをお土産にお持ち下さいました。サクサクの甘酸っぱいフジ、美味しくいただいて元気がでました。During the weekend of 18th and 19th, "Japan Coffee Festival 2017 for workshop-cafe in TAGA" was held on the front road, Ema Doori. Using vacant houses or pitching tents, they sold their original coffee and beans. Many young people and families came and enjoyed the event. Since I didn't get the meaning of "running a booth", I didn't make a "booth". Most of the people just passed by my cafe which was so unfortunate. Anyhow it looked like people were enjoying the event even though it was windy winter weather. By the way, I had a happy surprise yesterday. A couple from Shiojiri in Nagano stopped by my cafe. It has been half a year since I met them this spring when they were heading to Onomichi. They parked their car at Taga Service Area by the highway and came down to Taga. They brought a pot of Fuuchisoo (Hakonechioa macra) and fresh apples for me. Their visit cheered me up and I thank them for their warm gifts.