Thursday, November 9, 2017


晴天ながら風の強い一日でした。久しぶりに朝の散歩に出ました。神社やお寺、山々の紅葉はこれからますます深くなっていくのでしょうが、多賀大社も控えめながら品の良い紅葉が見られます。境内の菊花展を見て、亡き父もこのような大菊を毎年趣味で育てて品評会にも出していたのを懐かしく思い出しました。春に楽しませてもらった田んぼ道の桜の木は枯れ葉になってもまだ枝についていました。季節の移り変わりがくり返す中でゆっくりと年月が経っていくことを実感します。Although it was a clear sky, today was very windy. I went out for a morning walk for the first time in a while. The autumn foliage in this area has started and in a couple of weeks the colors will be much deeper at the shrine, temple and mountains. It is not glamorous but we are able to enjoy the elegant fall colours at Taga taisha. There is a display of chrysanthemum at the shrine and I recall my father who grew big flowers of chrysanthemum as his hobby and often exhibited them into an exhibition fair. The cherry blossom trees which I enjoyed the beautiful pink flowers in the spring have dry leaves now and still stick to the branches. With the repeating cycles of the seasonal changes, I feel that the years are slowly passing by.