Friday, September 15, 2017
先日「多賀あさひや」で演奏をして下さったマリンバ奏者の布谷史人(ぬのや・ふみと)さんの京都での公演に昨夜行ってきました。今回はマリンバと関西弦楽合奏団との共演という興味津々の組み合わせ。大きな音楽ホールのステージ中央やや左前にマリンバが置かれ、その後ろには弦楽奏者の席が20程。あさひやでは部屋を占領するほどだったマリンバが、席に着いた時は広いステージの上で静かに出番を待っていました。そして明るくなって開演。布谷さんはソロやピアノとの演奏も素晴らしいですが、オーケストラの中で響くマリンバの広がりと深さに息をのみました。今回、プログラムの真中に信長貴富(のぶなが・たかとみ)さんが布谷さんのために作曲された協奏曲「混線するドルフィン・ソナー」の初演があり、海の中のイルカをイメージした様々な表情が演奏者の息づかいとともに見えて聴こえてホールの中をうねりました。マリンバと弦楽奏者の一体感が見事でした。3曲のプログラムとアンコールの琵琶湖周航の歌、全てに全開した布谷さんの表現力にただただ感動しました。Last night, I went to Mr. Fumito Nunoya's concert in Kyoto. He played solo marimba at my cafe on Sep. 3rd. This time it was a marimba concert with Kansai string orchestra. The combination was new to me and I was very interested in it. Mr. Nunoya's marimba was placed in the front, a little bit left from the center of the stage and there were about twenty chairs for the strings behind the marimba in the ROHM Theatre. When the marimba was in my house, it almost occupied one room but in the hall of course it was not like that and stayed there as if it were waiting elegantly for Mr. Nunoya. After a while, the concert started. It was a breathtaking dynamic sound although I know his remarkable solo and duo playing with a piano. In the program, there was a debut of a marimba concerto "The Crossed Sonar of Dolphins" composed by Mr. Takatomi Nobunaga. It was just wonderful! I could feel at one with the marimba and the strings. Listening to the sound and looking at the musicians, I felt as if I were a dolphin riding on the waves of the sea. I was deeply moved by Mr. Nunoya's expressive power in all of the music including the anchor "Biwako Shuukoo no Uta".