秋晴れの一日。9月9日は重陽の節句で多賀大社は秋の古例祭が行なわれました。土曜日なのに春のお祭りに比べると驚く程静かで、立派な馬頭人とお付きの沢山の方々の晴れの姿を観る方が少ないのは残念でした。カフェは地元の方数人と東近江市からお客様が来て下さいました。It was a clear sunny day and today (Sep.9th) was Chooyoo no Sekku. The annual traditional festival was held at Taga-taisha. Compared to the Spring festival, there were only a few spectators which made me disappointed even through it was Saturday. We welcomed a couple of local customers and people from Higashi Ohmi to the cafe.