昨日野菜直売店で栗が並んでいたので買って、一晩水に漬けて、皮と渋皮をとって栗ご飯を作ってみました。虫などひとつも見つからない新鮮な栗で夕食は秋の味覚をお腹いっぱい楽しみました。夏用の簾(すだれ)をはずし襖をはめると、落ち着いた雰囲気に戻りました。秋になったことを感じた一日でした。I bought chestnuts at the vegetable stand nearby yesterday, so I soaked them overnight in water, peeled off the skin and astringent coat, and cooked chestnut rice. Chestnuts were all very fresh (not damaged by vermin). I enjoyed the taste of autumn. It was so good! Today, I also changed the room arrangement from Sudare (bamboo screen) to Fusuma (a wood-framed sliding door covered with thick paper). I really felt that the season is changing.