Sunday, August 20, 2017

8月20日(日曜日) 2017

一昨日の野菜販売所で買いそびれたイチジクを今朝わざわざ農家で幼なじみのSさんが家まで持ってきて下さいました。立派なイチジク3つ。夜になって生ハムに巻いて食卓へ。昔、仕事でローマに行った時にレストランでよく注文したプロシュートイチジク。中がメロンの時もありましたが、生ハムの塩っぽさとイチジクの甘さ、それに口の中で少しジャリとするイチジクの食感が何とも言えないおしゃれな前菜です。明日は定休日なので、先日友達が残していった焼酎に炭酸水を入れ、そこに 宮崎の友達のお土産「へべす」という香りの良い柑橘類を絞って、今夜は贅沢な気分で夕食を始めました。I saw figs at the vegetable stand but I missed the chance to buy them the day before yesterday. This morning, my old friend who is a farmer now brought fresh figs to me. I made prosciutto fig (wrap a piece of fig with prosciutto). When I visited Rome for work a long time ago, I often placed an order "Prosciutto figs (sometimes melon)" as an appetizer at a restaurant. It's very good combination of the salty ham and sweet fig. I also like the texture of the fig. I was satisfied with the dish which I made because it looked really cool! Since Monday is a no business day, I prepared nice cold liquor (Shochuu + soda+ Hebesu ). Hebesu is a citrus from my friend, T from Miyazaki. With this, I started a nice and luxurious dinner. (ha ha ha ...)